“NUCLEAR POWER NUCLEAR GAME is a smart, taut, action-packed thriller with a strong and clever female protagonist.”
“Huang works historical background into the plot effectively through characterization, realistic settings, and conflicts, both internal and external.”
NUCLEAR POWER NUCLEAR GAME is Helen Huang’s debut novel, published in 2021. She is now diligently working on perfecting the sequel, Nuclear Shadow Nuclear Dawn, while simultaneously managing her domestic building business.
This duology
not only offers a gripping political thriller but also presents a
groundbreaking exploration of Communist China’s nuclear development,
encompassing nuclear weapons, power, and proliferation. Inspired by Helen’s
firsthand experience at an atomic institute in Shanghai and the individuals she
has encountered, the duology promises to deliver an enthralling blend of
espionage, romance, and historical intrigue. Helen hopes readers will find love
and courage through this duology.
She would love to hear from you via the contact page or on Goodreads.
Helen Huang