A Letter to Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese

c/c: Attorney-General of Australia, the Hon Mark Dreyfus KC

Good news: I’ve received the first response from the Australian government regarding my report on international organized crime attacking me, including online bullying, defamation, money laundering, and drug trafficking. I want to send a message to thank Prime Minister Albanese and all those interested in Australian affairs: THE AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT HAS HEARD ME. This reinforces my faith in justice over evil and truth over lies.

#Australia #JusticeSystem #InternationalOrganisedCrime #PrimeMinister #AnthonyAlbanese #MinisterForJustice #AttorneyGeneralofAustralia #MarkDreyfus #OnlineCrime #Socialmedia #Defamation #Moneylaundering #DrugTrafficking #Corruption #Writingcommunity #Writerslift #Departmentofdefence