The past two years have been the most challenging period that I have gained a deeper understanding of spiritual growth and a greater insight into the meaning and purpose of my life. I’ve also learned the importance of setting healthy boundaries.

…There is a kind of love, the universe’s broad sense of love, that respects another human being regardless of their background. Let’s all choose love to heal our wounds and reclaim peace. May you find strength to say, “Farewell, Arms.”

#Australia #UnsolvedCrime #Fraudulent #JusticeSystem #InternationalOrganisedCrime #PrimeMinister #AnthonyAlbanese #MinisterForJustice #AttorneyGeneralofAustralia #MarkDreyfus #OnlineCrime #Socialmedia #Defamation #Moneylaundering #DrugTrafficking #Corruption #Writingcommunity #Writerslift #Departmentofdefence