At the UN Global Compact Business and Human Rights Network evening, I had the privilege of engaging with a diverse group of individuals, discussing key topics like business practices, our responsibilities to civil society and environmental sustainability. A crucial point was the importance of integrity and human rights in our work.

I shared a personal anecdote from my construction site. One of our subcontractors, a skilled tiler, had just mixed two buckets of tile adhesive when he informed me that he needed to leave for a mosque to pray, promising to return in half an hour. His dedication to his craft, as well as his faith, is evident in his high-quality workmanship. I smiled, nodded and was glad to have him added value to our business.

While we often discuss exploitation and discrimination in human rights conversations, we must also remember that respecting each other’s beliefs and culture is a fundamental human right that we all need to uphold daily.

#UN #UNGlobalCompact #Business #HumanRights #Australia #Melbourne #PillarTwo #RMIT #SofitelHotel #environment #sustanablitlity #integrity #buildingconstruction #mosque #exploitation #discrimination #belief #culture #Multiculture