A democratic system guarantees human rights to freedom, but should not be used to promote activities that violate social morality. The French government’s vilification of The Last Supper in France 2024 is a serious concern.

Da Vinci’s painting “The Last Supper” depicts the sacrament of Holy Communion, portraying the betrayal of Christ contrasted with the reception of Christ’s eternal love, grace and forgiveness. This is the highest realm of human experience. The mocking of The Last Supper is a wake-up call to France of losing its fundamental values of humanity and the importance of respecting history and culture.

France has been a global influencer in culture, architecture, and fashion. However, its traditional culture of liberating humanity has been compromised by ultra-left fidelity. The Last Supper show at France 2024 should not just be a local controversy, but a catalyst for a global conversation, promoting justice, truth, kindness, grace, forgiveness, and most importantly, respecting cultural and historical significance.

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